Guest Interviews, Articles, and More from Lynn Smargis

  • How to Plan a Podcast for Beginner Podcasters


    Podcasts have continued to grow in popularity over the years, with more podcasts consumed and created each month. With the advent of the remote work movement, many people are tuning in to get news, learn new skills and ideas, and entertain themselves. Additionally, those thinking about hosting a podcast have ample reason to launch their own with a broader reach.

  • The Truth About Ghostwriters and How They Can Transform Your Health Coaching Practice Ft. Lynn Smargis


    “I’m a writer, and I write between 2000 and 8000 words a day, so I love writing, and I can get [the book] done really quickly. But a lot of my clients, that is not their expertise, and that’s why they’re hiring me to get their book done in a certain time frame that is professional and grammatically correct, organized well, and in their voice and style.”

  • Turn Your Podcast into a Book


    I’ve noticed a trend recently on the consulting calls I’ve been doing where podcasters who are past the beginning stages of starting a podcast have now hit their strides and then question, “Now what?”

    The answer I generally give is in the form of another question or two, “Well, what is it you want to do with your podcast? What did you want when you started it and is that goal the same?”

  • Seven Tips on How to Run a Business When You Have Disabilities


    In the grand scheme of life, we would love every aspect of our life to fall perfectly in place at the right time, the exact moment that we feel our hopes, dreams, and visions will come to fruition. Unfortunately, however, life has a different plan for us, especially for those who live and work with disabilities. Pages 9-11

  • Tips for Designing and Marketing Your Lead Magnets and Email List


    “How are you collecting new email subscribers? It's SO important as a business to grow your email list -- all year long. In today's episode, we're talking about one powerful strategy for doing this, called a ‘lead magnet.’ I've invited an expert in copywriting who has TONS of experience creating lead magnets for her clients. She shares best practices for coming up with topics, what to put in place on the other side of the lead magnet, and how to market them.”

  • How to Overcome Perfectionism


    Perfectionism is the mindset that every activity, project, or experience we create must have everything exactly right, down to the minute details. Of course, you’re never happy with the finished product, but you have never been, so isn’t that normal?

  • Her Story: Origins with Lynn Smargis - Reflecting, Recovering, and Moving


    Teaching middle school students was a hard job. Not only was the age hard to teach and keep their attention, but I taught in a Title 1 school, so many of the students didn’t hold education in high regard, and so I spent much of my time on utilizing effective discipline strategies to keep control of my classroom so that I could teach to the kids who wanted to learn.

    And one day, when my 8th graders had their technology project due online, only 12 of my 70 students had turned in a project. Half of them failed.

  • The Profitable Writer Podcast: How to Repurpose Your Content Into a Book


    “I’m excited to feature a conversation from this past in the Daily Writer Community. My friend Lynn Smargis is a freelance writer in the area of health and fitness, gluten-free lifestyle, education, science, travel, and educational technology. She is also the host of the Gluten Free Travel Podcast.

    Every month, we feature two calls in the Daily Writer group from a guest expert, and Lynn was kind enough to walk us through how to repurpose your blog or podcast into a book. This is a vital skill to develop in order to reach many more people with material you’re already producing.”

  • Dreamcatcher’s Podcast: How Ghostwriting Bought Me My Freedom


    “The pursuit of freedom may seem never-ending, yet the more we embrace our true interests, the more clarity we can have for ourselves. Lynn Smargis will discuss how she sought this objective throughout the phases of her life and the methods you can incorporate to get there.”

  • Women Own it Podcast: Traveling While Owning a Business


    Author and owner of Write for You and Travel Gluten Free Lynn Smargis joins Debbie to talk about her businesses and how she incorporates travel into her entrepreneurial life. She shares the resources she has taken advantage of to learn how to succeed at business ownership, and what her goals are for the future. Lynn has owned several businesses and talks about how she does her research when following a new idea.

  • Podcast Editor’s Group: What are Podcast Show Notes, Really?


    “In a survey of individuals who write podcast show notes, 53% said ‘Episode summary in podcast directories’ and 45% said ‘Full blog post on a website.’ That's a HUGE difference of opinion. This episode is a debate about what Podcast Show Notes are, what they aren't, and how none of it matters if you're doing it wrong.”

  • Dental Marketing Secrets Podcast: How to Find Influencers on Instagram


    “Influencers. They are all over the place. From national influencers with 250K+ followers to micro-influencers that dominate your local scene, they seem to be taking over. 

    So, how do you tap into that power? How can you find and collaborate with an influencer to grow your practice? 

    Enter Lynn Smargis, founder of Write For You, to share her secrets of Influencer Management.”

  • The Watercooler Hangout Podcast: Bridging the Gap Between Your Book Idea and Publishing Your Book


    Lynn decided to get into teaching for her first career. After listening to podcast interviews, she decided to write for a living and travel. "I wanted a job that would be flexible for travel." After receiving a settlement, she decided to jump from teaching to creating content and becoming a freelance writer.

  • Writers Roundtable: Expert Tips on Finding Your First Clients


    “One of the topics we often discuss on this podcast is doing client work. If you haven't yet considered it as a way to supplement your income, I encourage you to think about it.

    When you're starting with freelance writing, how do you get that first client? This is a critical question because getting that first client is very important. Once that happens, you have more confidence and momentum.”

  • House of EdTech Podcast: How to Write a Winning Ed Tech Grant


    Lynn Smargis is BACK! In this episode, we talk about and share great tips for writing and winning your next edtech grant!